Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Long Time passed ...

My hubby and I have one complaint about Arizona - the moon goes through her cycle much quicker now that we have moved here. How does that work? It used to take nearly a 12th of a year to make it though a cycle, but now it takes only a few days.
For example - it simply cannot be true that we have had 2 full moons since I last published something to this blog, (Or can it?)
I have a lot I would like to share, but working keeps getting in the way of fooling around. Soon I think I will retire again and then you will see enormous productivity! Or at least better excuses..
In the next little while I plan to finally write up a couple of other mini-essays inspired by last Fall's trip to Wales and by the things that I have done with the images therefrom. But first, I will go out of a chronological order to post some travel journal entries on the April trip we took to California to see friends and flowers. And maybe also a review of the new camera - the Olympus Stylus Tough 6000.
If you want a sneak preview, I have put the picures on Picasa, thhough not yet with captions and geo tags. Those may take a while to add. I don't seem to be able to figure out how to do a true hyperlink, but if you go to you should be abtle to see all of our public albums, and the new one is called ShowSet April Trip to CA.
If this link does not work for you, please let me know!

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