Whew! The pictures from the trip have all been through the basic post-processing routine and the ones we feel others might like to see are posted on the Picasa web site: http://picasaweb.google.com/cathy.hoaglund
They are in the public folders. This is another attempt to balance the preferences of many people. We feel compelled to tell people about the interesting things we saw and to show off some photos we are really proud of capturing. A lot of our friends do really enjoy looking at photos, as we do, but others have a strictly limited attention span and we cause their eyes to glaze over rapidly. This way the non-photo-enthralled can skip it or buzz through a dozen or so and it will be OK.
But getting them up here is certainly been a lot of work. I think I am going to collect an informal sample for a future post on what it takes to be a hobbyist photographer. If anybody reading this would like to contribute, please leave a comment or send me an email with your answers:
1 .When you are on vacation or otherwise having a major picture-taking day, how many pictures do you shoot? (under 25, dozens, a hundred or more, several hundreds??)
2. How long does it take to prepare your pictures afterwards? How many hours per day of shooting?
3. About what fraction of pictures do you throw out? (Ours is about 40% I think - if you compare the show set to the originals, but we keep a bunch for reference that we don't show or print.)
4. What else do you do with your pictures besides purging the duds? For example I rename them so the Rich & Cathy shots are mostly interleaved, and do some minor cropping, straightening or contrast adjustment where needed. The we add captions and title slides. Then upload to Picasa, and last, make prints of the ones that we feel are worth it. Oh yeah, and I burn CDs.
What other things do you do to organize your pictures?