I have returned to High School - in my mind. I found my yearbook and began wondering how everyone turned out. I have joined Facebook, and found a few of my good buddies, and a few with whom I had nothing in common then and nothing now. I was not part of the "IN" clique, but I was lucky to have a good set of friends with brains, people who also found this to be an interesting world, worth learning about. And I am happy to discover that a number of them have quietly prospered.
So the images bumping around in my brain are from 1970. What ever possessed the yearbook editors to think we would look like ourselves with the girls in best dresses and the guys in suits and ties? And why do I remember so few faces?

So the images bumping around in my brain are from 1970. What ever possessed the yearbook editors to think we would look like ourselves with the girls in best dresses and the guys in suits and ties? And why do I remember so few faces?

And also - what ever happened to Mary MacIntyre, my best friend? How did we lose each other?